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What is expected of the student and the coaches


1. What is expected from the course?
At the beginning if course, the coach will provide guidance and ground rules.

2. What are guidance and ground rules?
These are expectations of what the student must do to learn badminton and expectations of what the coach must teach.

3. What are the coach's expectations?
Ensuring the student learns and progress in developing badminton skills. The coaches are vetted before they are allowed to teach in the Academy.

4. Are students expectations considered?
The coach will listen to the student and enable the student to learn and have fun at the same time.

5. Do we follow a curriculum?
Gala Academy is a teaching academy for badminton and not a badminton club. We teach to a curriculum and at the end of the term the students are tested on their achievements.

6. How do we excel students?
At Gala Academy we have constant reviews and at our discretion introduce coaches that allow the student to excel in different aspects of badminton.

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